PlainBack Seating Collection...

The Plainback is just that, a pattern of alternating slat and gap. Yet it has an appeal all of its own, a rustic impression easy to look at and like. Outstanding back support along with curved armrests are key features. Put it all together and you understand why the Plainback is so popular.

Plainback Seating... Rustic Appeal.

rollback lawn chair for two
 #207 - 5ft Glider
 Cedar/Turf Green
#204 - 4ft Glider
Cherry Wood/Black
 #203 - 4ft Loveseat
Tudor Brown

rollback lawn chair for two
#208 - 5ft Swing
Bright White
#211 - 5ft Glider with Pullout
Cherry Wood/Black

#210 - 22" Swivel Glider 

Weathered Wood/Tudor Brown

#200 - 22" Chair 

Cedar / Tudor Brown

#202 - 22" Glider

Weathered Wood / Tudor Brown

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